About Supervision

At its simplest, supervision is a safe space where you can learn from your experience by reflecting with another person on what you do. It is a partnership where supervisor and supervisee cooperate and work together to create a reflective learning collaboration for professional and personal growth.

Built on focussed and purposeful conversations, the aim is to encourage a curious and appreciative stance to self-inquiry and understanding that can benefit and enrich the learning and development of the supervisee.

How it can help

The short answer to this is that it can help you engage more deeply with your work and life. Regular focussed reflection with a supervisor can help us increase our self-awareness, understand relationships, appreciate ethical considerations, develop our interpretive and creative skills, and widen our capacity for discernment and insight. Looking at our experience with a supervisor can feel challenging at first, as we invite a ‘whole person’ perspective into our reflections – where all of our thoughts and feelings are heard. This ‘whole person’ approach helps us to explore choices and develop compassion towards ourselves and others.

Our Approach

Our approach to supervision is framed by the following:

    • Agency and intention – holding a clear sense of intention for sessions, for our own process, and for going forward with what we learn
    • A ‘whole person’ perspective – allowing all of the parts of us, and all of the various contexts of our lives to ‘show up’ and be heard in a non-judgemental way
    • Mindfulness-based self-inquiry – bringing self-awareness, openness and compassion to the questions we ask ourselves
    • Reflective practice – understanding the detail of how experiences affect us and the full range of meaning-making possibilities that flow from this